Pictures used are for display purposes only, small variations in appearance of product may happen.
The prices quoted on this website are for a single units only unless otherwise stipulated.
Spirit of Kuan Yin - Protector of Children - Sleep Mist........
This mist is perfect for children that wake up in the middle of the night from nightmares, night terrors or scared of the Boogie Man. This highly protective calming mist is a perfect balance of crystals and essential oils that will protect children of all ages, adults too, from all types of nasties using a unique vibrational technique removing negativity and replacing it with positive healing. Spray before bedtime and or if woken in the night to gently fall back to sleep.
Chiastolite crystal has been used since ancient times for protection. It transmutes conflict into harmony and dispels negative thoughts and energies. Psychic protection, Grounding, strengthens all chakras, overcomes feelings of loneliness, isolation or depression, Protection for travellers .
Black Tourmaline (Schorl) protects against smog, radiation, psychic attacks, spells of ill wishes, and all kinds of negative energy. It grounds energy as it is connected to the base chakra.
Monday to Friday 10am - 5.00pm
Saturday 10am - 5pm
Sunday 11am - 4pm
Public Holidays 11am - 4pm